These pages describe the opening and closing bows (reiho) used in Matsu Kai Kendo Dojo. It is intended as a simple instruction guide for both new students and new to-ban.
There are three main points in Budo…
Reiho – proper etiquette
Kenpo – the techniques (of the sword)
Shinpo – the quality of the spirit
…and they are equally important.
(Hanshi Hachidan Kendo, Hanshi Hachidan Iaido)
This handout describes the opening and closing bows (reiho) used in Matsu Kai Kendo Dojo. It is intended as a simple instruction guide for both new students and new to-ban. I hope that by understanding the reiho that you can become more comfortable with it and, as a result, have a better practice.
Bruce Campbell,
Coquitlam, BC, Canada – Mar 02, 2016
To-ban is the person who announces reiho. This very important task may be assigned to any student in the dojo that day. In many ways to-ban sets the tone for the practice. A strong, well organized reiho gives everyone a sense of focus and excitement. Therefore, each person should prepare carefully for the time they will be called upon to be to-ban.
To-ban must know the commands and their order and should announce them with confidence, clarity, spirit, and proper timing. The announcements need not be loud or sharp as long as they are clear and give a sense of control and command. A proper announcement should almost compel everyone in the dojo to comply yet should not be brash, arrogant or offensive.

Here are the commands (in order) and what they mean

“line up (in rank order)”
Rank order is from sensei’s right in order of dan (higher dans first). Where dan rank is the same the one that has been with the dojo longer is usually considered senior. If both are the same (or similar) then age is the final determiner (older being higher). Everyone should arrange themselves to the right of to-ban with higher ranking students to their left.
If a new student is in the dojo for the first time, to-ban should allow some extra time for people to assemble. This allows the students to shuffle into a new order. However, if this takes too long a senior student or sensei will assign a position to the new person. In the case of a large class, people should form two or more lines (as required) with the children in the front row and the adults behind.
The senior student sets the maai (distance) from the students to sensei. This is done by simply taking the proper place to the right of sensei. Maai is somewhat a matter of taste with a close maai creating an intimate feeling and far maai creating a more formal feeling. It also depends on the size of the class with a large class needing somewhat more maai than a small one. Everyone should watch carefully and adjust maai to match the senior student(s) or as sensei indicates.
Seating arrangements for visiting sensei, assistant teachers, and seniors are handled by sensei.

(say ZA)
Invitation to sit
To-ban should pause here to determine (by watching) if sensei will sit first or wait for the announcement. If sensei sits then to-ban waits until sensei is settled. Otherwise, to-ban announces seiza after a brief pause. If sensei waits for the announcement everyone should wait until sensei is almost seated before starting seiza. This is a sign of respect that should not be overlooked.If the situation is very formal (e.g., visiting teachers) or if students wish to be very respectful they may also wait until their seniors begin to sit before they begin. However, be careful not to create a wave. Junior students should be just slightly behind the seniors as it is important not to waste valuable practice time.

(mock SO)
Eyes closed (for meditation)
When to-ban announces MOKUSO everyone should close their eyes (or almost close them) and fold their hands into a mediation position. I place my left hand gently in my right palm with my thumbs just touching. I try to feel that my hands are surrounding my hara. Other hand postures are acceptable and if you have any concerns about your mediation posture, ask sensei.
It is important to remain still and to try to clear your mind for practice. Give yourself permission to set life’s worries aside for the length of this practice. Try to bring positive feelings and energy into the dojo. It will help your practice and will rub off on your fellow students.
To-ban is responsible for the length of mokuso and it should not be rushed. Around five deep slow breaths are usually good although this varies with the feeling in the dojo. New to-ban should discuss with sensei if the length of their mokuso is adequate.

(MOKUSO) YAME (mock so YAMA)
Meditation stop (is over)
When to-ban announces this command everyone should open their eyes and reposition their hands in normal seiza posture..

SHYOMEN-NI-REI (show men ni RAY)
Bow to the dojo center
When to-ban announces shyomen, everyone turns to shyomen. There should be a pause until to-ban senses that everyone is ready to bow. Special attention must be paid to the sensei who may have to turn around completely to get into position but, other than waiting for sensei, don’t make this pause too long. Once everyone is ready to-ban announces rei. Everyone bows and turns back to face sensei without further announcement.

(sen-say-knee RAY)
bow to sensei
To-ban should pause slightly after shinza-ni-rei to give everyone a moment to focus on this important bow. Then, to-ban should syncopate the command. It should be sensei-ni (pause) REI. Do not run the two together.It is considered polite for students to bow slightly sooner than sensei and to delay rising just slightly so they are behind as sensei rises.

(sen-say-knee RAY)
bow to sensei
To-ban should pause slightly after shinza-ni-rei to give everyone a moment to focus on this important bow. Then, to-ban should syncopate the command. It should be sensei-ni (pause) REI. Do not run the two together.It is considered polite for students to bow slightly sooner than sensei and to delay rising just slightly so they are behind as sensei rises.

put on your men
You should practice so that you can put on your men quickly but not in a rush. Also, please try to tie your men well enough that it does not come untied during practice. Once you have tied your men you may stand up and wait for practice to start.
If you do not yet have armor there is no need to wait for others. You may stand up right away.
Most activities in the closing ceremony are the same as in the opening but the order is a little different.

(say ZETs)
As in opening reiho

(say ZA)
As in opening reiho

(Men toe RAY)
As in opening reiho
Remove your men: but, or course, you have to remove your kote first. Try to do this as neatly as possible. Arrange your kote and men as they were at the start of class. Also, while removing your men hold it in front of your face and use your tenagui to wipe your face of sweat. Then, as you arrange your men and kote, place your used tenagui inside your men.

(mock SO)
As in opening reiho

(mock so YAMA)
As in opening reiho

(sen-say-knee RAY)
As in opening reiho

(shyo men ni RAY)
As in opening reiho

(o-toe-guy-a-knee RAY)
Bow to each other
The top student turns to the right, the next person to the left, next right, next left and so on down the line. Then everyone bows to the person they are facing. Then each person turns to the person on the other side of them and bows. After bowing to each person you turn back to sensei.
Sensei may choose to address the class at this point. You should try to sit straight and listen carefully.

REI (Rey)
When sensei is finished speaking to-ban calls for a final REI
It is sometimes a challenge to know when sensei is finished speaking but to-ban should err on the side of caution rather than announce before sensei is done speaking. Sensei may call the final rei in which case to-ban need not call rei again.

Bow individually with those who helped you during this practice
If you wish you may approach and bow individually with those who helped you during this practice. You should do this in approximately rank order – higher ranks first. Remember that everyone else is doing this as well so be considerate and wait your chance. It is acceptable to join in with a number of others in these bows.
This is your chance to ask questions on technique, history, etiquette, etc. The strength of your kendo is not only in your physical practice but in your knowledge and understanding. Sensei is your guide in these areas. Through careful questions (and subsequent thought) you can greatly improve your kendo.